Sponsors ASIO conducts several activities year-round including webinars, career guidance for trainees, and sponsors a total of 12 awards for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, international travel awards, early career- and senior toxicologists of Indian origin. In fact, ASIO sponsors the largest number of awards given by any other Special Interest Group (SIG) within SOT. These funds will be directly used for ASIO activities at the SOT Annual Meeting and career advancement of our members. By sponsoring our events, your organization will not only provide early career toxicologists an opportunity to enhance their training but also provide current members of the toxicology community a path to enrich their ongoing careers as toxicologists and promote diversity within the field of toxicology. Our Proud Sponsors Endowment Sponsors
And numerous contributor to these Endowment Funds. Annual Sponsorship Levels
Payment Information SOT’s Nonprofit Organization Federal EIN # is 52-6057050 ASIO operates in compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all donations to ASIO are tax deductible. Sponsorship payments can be made through our online Component Group Donation Form. If your organization matches your donations, it is a great way to multiply the impact of your donations by donating through your organization. Once you send your donation, please email ASIO President so that your contribution can be appropriately acknowledged.