What Is Molecular and Systems Biology?
The SOT Molecular and Systems Biology Specialty Section (MSBSS) is comprised of toxicologists who apply molecular tools to understand how exposure to chemicals perturbs biology and affects public health and the environment. Join MSBSS to connect with toxicologists using ’omics, gene editing, and computational analyses in a diverse suite of experimental models to explore how chemical-dependent adverse outcomes are mechanistically triggered.
A central goal of MSBSS is to amplify trainee science and facilitate career growth for junior scientists. We organize yearly research and travel awards for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers and a paper-of-the-year award. In addition, each year, our graduate and postdoctoral representatives organize a successful and fun mentoring/networking event that takes place during the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo and draws academic, government, industry, and non-governmental organization scientists to mentor and encourage MSBSS trainees.
A core principle of MSBSS is to value diversity as an inherent good for the field of toxicology. As part of our activities, we aim to recruit, train, and promote scientists who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups and achieve equity of opportunity in the scientific endeavor for all MSBSS members.
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Join UsThe Five Key Components That Define MSBSS
- Systems biology (e.g., adverse outcome pathways, functional genomics)
- Experimental models (e.g., in vitro, C. elegans, zebrafish, rodents)
- ’omics technologies (e.g., RNA, miRNA, DNA, single cell, metabolomics, proteomics)
- Gene editing (e.g., CRISPR/Cas9)
- Computational analyses of big data, multi-omics data integration, data visualization
- Promoting early career researchers (e.g., undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers)