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Computational Toxicology

National Capital Area Chapter

Society of Toxicology

Fall Symposium

December 11, 2006

Lister Hill Auditorium

National Library of Medicine

Bethesda, MD

8:30 AM                    Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM                    Welcome/Opening Remarks

                                    Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.

                                    President, NCAC-SOT

                                    Gary Burin, Ph.D.

Vice-President and Program Chair

9:15 AM                    The NIH Roadmap Molecular Libraries Initiative:

Generating Datasets for Computational Toxicology

                                    Christopher Austin MD

Director, NIH Chemical Genomics Center

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Institutes of Health

10:00 AM                  Emerging Non-clinical QSAR Predictive Toxicology Applications for Pharmaceuticals at the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

                                    Joseph F. Contrera, Ph.D.

                                    Center for Drug Evaluation and Research


Rockville MD

10:45 AM                 Break

11:00 AM                 Computational Toxicology:  It’s use and application in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Nigel Greene, Ph.D.

Pfizer Global Research and Development

Groton CT

11:45 AM                 The use of QSAR Analysis in the Safety Evaluation of Food Additives and Botanicals.

Luis Valerio, Ph.D.

                                    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition


                                    College Park MD

12:30 AM                 Lunch (on your own)

1:30 PM                    Prediction of pharmaceutical clinical adverse effects using QSAR software and a relational database constructed from FDA/CDER and MDL-Elsevier PharmaPendium Records

Ed Matthews, Ph.D.

                                    Center for Drug Evaluation and Research


Rockville MD

2:15  PM                   Environmental chemical hazard prediction by high-throughput screening and genomics approaches in the ToxCast program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Keith Houck. Ph.D.

                                    National Center for Computational Toxicology

                                    Office of Research and Development

                                    U.S. EPA

                                    Research Triangle Park NC

3:00  PM                   Break

3:15 PM                    Applying data mining approaches to predictive toxicology

Chihae Yang, Ph.D.

                                    Leadscope Inc.

                                    Dublin Ohio

4:00 PM                    Closing Remarks





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