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The Dose Response –

The Cornerstone of Toxicology and

Challenges for Risk Assessment

National Capital Area Chapter - Society of Toxicology

Spring Symposium

Maryland STAMP Student Union

University of Maryland

College Park Campus

May 16, 2002

NCAC-SOT Spring Symposium

The goal of this symposium is to generate discussion about one of the central tenants in toxicology – the dose response relationship.  As was stated so long ago by Paracelsus – it is the dose that makes the poison.  Or is it?  As our approaches to measuring various toxicological responses become more sensitive, questions can be raised as to whether a change from a control response is truly an adverse change.  As our understanding progresses regarding the body’s physiological mechanisms for response to toxic insult, what appears to be a toxic effect may actually be a compensatory mechanism with no adverse outcome.  In contrast to the traditional perspective of a linear dose-response relationship, evidence exists for varying responses at low versus high doses.  All these complexities need to be considered and factored into interpretation of the data for risk assessment purposes.  This series of presentations will take us from traditional study designs and treatment of data into the current world of mechanistic risk assessment where the lines become blurred between cancer and non-cancer assessments, quantitative vs qualitative approaches, threshold vs. nonthreshold events, including such phenomena as discontinuous dose response and U-shaped dose response curves.

Featured at the end of this symposium will be a poster session and reception

7:45 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Posters Set-Up

8:30 AM Welcome and Opening Comments

Bernard A. Schwetz

President, NCAC-SOT

8:45 AM       The Central Role of Dose Response in a Risk Assessment

Carole Kimmel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

9:25 AM       Cancer vs Non-cancer Risk Assessment

Bette Meek, Health Canada

10:05 AM U-shaped Dose Response Curves – What, Why and How?

Edward Calabrese, University of Massachusetts

10:35–10:55 AM Discussion

10:55–11:20 AM Break

11:20 AM Discontinuous Dose Response Curves

William Slikker, National Center for Toxicological Research

11:50 AM Future Approaches to Dose Response Assessment

Jeanette Wiltse, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (retired)

12:30–2:15 PM   Lunch and Poster Session

(posters manned from 1-2 PM)

2:15 PM       Welcome and Remarks

Marion Ehrich

Vice President, SOT

2:30 PM       Poster Awards

2:30–3:30 PM    Poster Discussion

(3-5 minutes on selected posters)





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