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2013 Spring Symposium

May 23, 2013

Theme: “Mechanisms of Cell Injury and Cell Death-Applications for Mode of Action Risk Assessment”

Keynote Speaker: Dean Jones, PhD, Emory University

Basic scientific interest in the field of mechanisms of cell injury / cell death involving processes such as apoptosis and cancer has grown greatly over the past 30 years. The roles of toxic chemicals in mediating these processes has also been increasingly appreciated and translation of this information for mode of action risk assessment approaches has grown rapidly. This meeting of the NCAC will focus on bringing together an international group of toxicologists with expertise in apoptosis, molecular biomarkers of adverse outcome pathways/systems biology and risk assessment to summarize the state of the science with regard to the increasingly inter-disciplinary field of mode of action (MOA) based chemical risk assessment. This meeting will hopefully provide a stimulating forum for advancing this very current area of scientific endeavor.














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as of May 1

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