Welcome to IRSS
The Inhalation and Respiratory Specialty Section provides a focus for members of the Society of Toxicology dealing with the impact of airborne chemicals and particles on the body. Issues of interest to IRSS include indoor and outdoor air pollution, occupational exposure to airborne contaminants, therapeutic drug delivery by inhalation, deposition and pharmacokinetics of agents delivered by the inhalation route, and interactions between inhaled materials and infectious allergic stimuli. The Section meets regularly at the SOT Annual Meeting to promote a better understanding of inhalation and respiratory tract toxicology, to recognize students and colleagues for notable contributions to research, and to address issues of importance to this field.
Committees within the Section meet regularly to write issue papers and discuss topics for Symposia, Workshops and Continuing Education Course. Elected officials consist of the President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, four Councilors, Secretary/Treasurer, and Postdoctoral and Student Representatives. See the Officer Page for a current listing.