
IUTOX 15th International Congress of Toxicology, Co-Hosted by SOT

Late-breaking abstract submission is now closed.

Important Notes for Abstract Submission

  • Submitters should indicate research categories to aid Scientific Program Committee with abstract assignments.
  • Abstracts will be accepted according to peer review of the Scientific Program Committee.
  • Original abstract submissions were accepted under the options of “Poster Only” or “Platform or Poster.” All accepted authors must be prepared to present their abstract as a poster if selected for this presentation type. An acceptance notification including type of presentation for which you have been selected will be sent to your email address.
  • Late-breaking abstract submissions accepted for presentation will be Poster Only.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the designated presenting author to present the abstract; however, registration is not required at the time of submission. The Early Bird registration deadline is April 15, 2019.
  • There is no abstract submission fee for ICTXV.

Abstract Acceptances

Original abstract acceptance notices and session timing/instructions were sent by email in early February 2019; please keep your email information up-to-date within the abstract submission system to ensure receipt of acceptance. Once poster and platform presentations have been scheduled, the complexity of the program planning process prevents any changes in the type of session, time, or location of any presentation. There are no exceptions.

Late-breaking abstract acceptance notices will be received by email in early April 2019.

Abstract Withdrawals

Abstracts may not be changed or withdrawn once accepted by the ICTXV Scientific Program Committee. If circumstances prevent attendance, the author must arrange for the presentation to be made by a substitute. Acceptance of the abstract obligates the author to present the paper and pay the meeting registration fee.

Abstract Preparation Guidelines

The ICTXV Scientific Program Committee will review all complete abstract submissions. The following guidelines apply to each abstract:

  • Total Character Count of 2,300 or Less (Spaces are not included in the character count)
  • NO Tables, Figures, or Chemical Structures
  • Define All Nonstandard Acronyms
  • All Presenters Agree to Accept Assigned Time Slot
  • All Presenters Must Register and Pay to Attend the ICTXV

Using the Abstract System

For step-by-step information about the abstract submission system, please reference the ICTXV Abstract Submission Instructions .


ICTXV Meeting

Join us in Hawaii 2019

July 15–18, 2019
Hawaii Convention Center
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Contact us: +1.703.438.3115
Email: sothq@toxicology.org