Northeast Chapter of the Society of Toxicology The Northeast Chapter of the Society of Toxicology (NESOT) is a dynamic chapter with membership from diverse sectors including academia, government, and chemical, environmental, and pharmaceutical industries. We strive to promote continued learning and scientific excellence, in addition to networking and collaboration opportunities, for regional toxicologists and students through our Annual Regional Chapter Meeting in the fall and through sponsored events at the SOT Annual Meeting in the spring. This year’s Annual Fall Meeting will be held on October 25, 2024, at the Pfizer site in Cambridge, MS. The theme will be “Toxicology in the ‘Omics Era.” Meeting preparations are underway for what is anticipated to be a timely, cutting-edge program with opportunities for all members to share their scientific research, so check out our Events page for registration information. Calling all students and postdoctoral candidates! We hope you will take this opportunity to be recognized for your excellent work through our competitive oral presentation and poster awards (see our Awards page for details). In addition, we will once again host a corresponding program for undergraduate students at the fall meeting. Please contact Dr. Cody Smith (Junior Councilor) or Greg Landry (Senior Councilor) for more information about awards and the undergraduate program. We welcome all undergraduates from the Northeast Region! At the 2024 Annual SOT Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, we hosted a well-attended student luncheon where three Student Travel Awards were presented, and students had one-on-one discussions with regional toxicologists in academia and industry. We also co-hosted a networking reception for the fourth time with the Southern California Regional Chapter. Once again, the event was well attended by our membership and met with positive feedback from all involved—an event that truly facilitates cross-regional collaboration and networking. We plan to continue both events for the 2025 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. NESOT strives to foster the sustainability and growth of our discipline through regional outreach and mentorship. NESOT has a mentor-mentee program in place and is currently seeking mentors and mentees to match. We have received a lot of excellent feedback from facilitating these connections and we are always looking to expand our professional networking. If you are interested in serving as a mentor or participating as mentee, please reach out to Yvonne Rericha (Postdoctoral Representative). As you can see, we have a lot going on and there are many opportunities for you to participate in our chapter’s activities. Thank you for visiting our page, and please don't hesitate to reach out and get involved or let us know if you have more ideas for events and outreach. We want to hear from you! Saurabh Vispute, PhD President, Northeast Society of Toxicology Regional Chapter