Only 5–10% of the approximately 20 million new cancer cases diagnosed globally are directly linked to inherited genetic factors. The majority of cancers likely derive from an interaction between environmental exposures and genetic susceptibility. Our Specialty Section members are focused on fighting cancer using multidisciplinary approaches across the continuum of carcinogenesis, from understanding the basic mechanisms of how cancers form to preventing and treating cancers in populations.
Our Specialty Section serves as a resource for SOT scientists around the world. Our interests and responsibilities include:
- Building networks of researchers and practitioners who are passionate about understanding and fighting cancer
- Presenting and highlighting topical carcinogenesis research
- Advising and updating regulatory agencies, the media, and the public worldwide on the latest and most relevant information on carcinogenesis
- Providing a medium for sharing information on cutting edge methods and data in carcinogenesis research
- Providing educational materials and resources to the scientific community
- Recognizing current and developing leaders in carcinogenesis research through awards and sponsored presentations
- Developing the careers of the next generation of carcinogenesis-focused SOT members
Our membership is drawn from academia, industry, and government (view the online membership directory—log in required). We develop and use cutting edge methods to understand a wide range of scientific topics linked to carcinogenesis including, but not limited to genetic susceptibility to exposures, the spatial effects of the tumor microenvironment, epigenetic programming and stemness, and the role of the immune system in cancer development and treatment.
We invite you to find out about the Specialty Section’s activities and interests by reading the information posted on this website. Please let us know your opinions and how we might best serve and better inform the public and toxicologists worldwide.