The Occupational Exposures Work Group was formed to address occupational exposure and health issues relevant to multiple societies.
The group is currently focussing activities on three topic areas:
- Reproductive Toxicity
Several educational sessions have been delivered or are planned (IUTOX2022, CTDC2024, AIHA2024). A manuscript based on these sessions has been drafted and submitted for journal publication.
- Skin Exposure Issues
The group has promoted and supported the AIHA dermal and surface sampling work group. They are also involved with the scientific committee of the 2024 Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals (OEESC) conference.
- Ototoxicity
Ototoxicity is gaining more attention in the occupational sphere and there are several educational initiatives (webinars etc.) as well as research projects and collaborations (e.g., Health and Environmental Sciences Institute). The group is collating material to share with SLC members.
The OE Work Group collaborates with other SLC Work Groups, specifically: Psychedelics and Cannabis WG and Data Analysis, Visualization, and Risk Communication WG. Work Group participation is open to all SLC representatives.
Work Group participation is open to all SLC representatives.
All SLC webinars are available as live events to SLC member societies. All recorded webinars are available to the public.