Past Officers


President Rodrigo Franco Cruz, PhD
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
President-Elect/Vice President Peter Thorne, PhD
University of Iowa
Past President Udayan Apte, PhD, DABT
University of Kansas Medical Center
Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey Klein, PhD, DABT
SciLucent, Inc.
Councilors Iván Csanaky, MD, PhD, DABT
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Isaac Sundar
University of Kansas Medical Center
Postdoctoral Representative Laura Dean, PhD
University of Iowa
Graduate Student Representative Giselle Sanchez-Guerrero
University of Kansas Medical Center



President Udayan Apte, PhD, DABT
University of Kansas Medical Center
President-Elect/Vice President Rodrigo Franco Cruz, PhD
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Past President Pallavi B. Limaye, PhD, DABT
Sekisui XenoTech
Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey Klein, PhD, DABT
SciLucent, Inc
Councilors Iván Csanaky, MD, PhD, DABT
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Isaac Sundar
University of Kansas Medical Center
Postdoctoral Representative Laura Dean, PhD
University of Iowa
Graduate Student Representative Giselle Sanchez-Guerrero
University of Kansas Medical Center


President Pallavi B. Limaye, PhD, DABT
President-Elect Vacant
Past President Anup Ramachandran, PhD
Secretary/Treasurer Michele Pritchard, PhD
Councilors Iván Csanaky, MD, PhD, DABT
Rodrigo Franco Cruz, PhD
Postdoctoral Representative Kendra Clark, PhD
Graduate Student Representative David Umbaugh, BS


President Anup Ramachandran
President-Elect Pallavi Limaye
Past President James Sacco
Secretary/Treasurer Michele Pritchard
Councilors Iván Csanaky
Postdoctoral Representative TBD
Graduate Student Representative David Umbaugh


President James Sacco
President-Elect Anup Ramachandran
Past President Thu Annelise Nguyen
Secretary/Treasurer Zhoumeng Lin
Councilors Deven Dandekar
Postdoctoral Representative TBD
Graduate Student Representative Eric Uwimana


President Thu Annelise Nguye
President-Elect James Sacco
Past President Richard Martin
Secretary/Treasurer Zhoumeng Lin
Councilors Deven Dandekar
Graduate Student Representative TBD


President Richard Martin
President-Elect Thu Annelise Nguyen
Past President Andrea Adamcakova-Dodd
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors Deven Dandekar
James Sacco
Graduate Student Representative Eric Uwimana


President Andrea Adamcakova-Dodd
President-Elect TBD
Vice President TBD
Secretary/Treasurer Hans Joachim-Lehmler
Councilors Partha Kasturi
James Sacco
Postdoc Representative Hemant Chavan
Graduate Student Representative Prachi Borude


President Udayan M. Apte
President Elect TBD
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors Claire Croutch
Partha Kasturi
James Sacco
Postdoc Representative TBD
Student Representative TBD


President Claire Croutch
President Elect Udayan Apte
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors Diane Rohlman
Timothy Spitzenberger
Postdoc Representative Samuel Buxton
Student Representative Yuchao Xie


President Aileen Keating
President Elect Claire Croutch
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors Udayan Apte
Postdoc Representative Samuel Buxton
Student Representative Dilshan Harishandra


President Thu Annelise Nguyen
President Elect Aileen Keating
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors Apte Udayan
Alan Parrish
Izabela Korwel
Postdoc Representative Julia Yue Cui
Student Representative Mitchell McGill


President Lora Arnold
President Elect Thu Annelise Nguyen
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors Aileen Keating
Izabela Korwel
Alan Parrish
Susan McKarns
Postdoc Representative Clarence David Williams
Student Representative Julia Yue Cui


President Jonathan Doorn
President Elect Lora Arnold
Secretary/Treasurer Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Councilors James Luyendyk
Susan McKarns
Shashi Ramaiah
Postdoc Representative Xianai Wu
Student Representative Erin Allen


President Anumantha Kanthamasy


President Harmut Jaeschke
President Elect Anumantha Kanthamasy
Secretary/Treasurer Bryan Copple
Councilors Grace Guo
Thu Annelise Nguyen
Claire Croutch
Lora Arnold
Jonathan Doorn
Postdoc Representative Ronnie Yeager
Student Representative Eirk Pacyniak


President Gabriele Ludewig
President Elect Hartmut Jaeschke
Secretary/Treasurer Jonathan Doorn
Councilors Grace Guo
Thu Annelise Nguyen
Richard Pleus
Deon van der Merwe
Postdoc Representative  
Student Representative Jennifer Rees

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