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Endowment Funds

Help the Dr. William M. Baird Travel Award Fund reach full funding status to provide valuable travel support to young scientists from the PANWAT area.
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Dr. William M. Baird Travel Award Fund

Established in June 2019 , the purpose of this fund is to encourage the attendance of students, postdocs, or young investigators from the Pacific Northwest region to present their work at toxicology-oriented scientific meetings, such as the Annual Meeting of SOT. The fund will be used to support travel to the Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology and/or other toxicology-oriented meetings. Proceeds of the fund will be used to provide one or more travel awards, designated the Dr. William M. Baird Travel Award, to defray travel expenses to attend a toxicology-oriented scientific meeting, such as the Annual Meeting of SOT.

The fund was established to acknowledge the pioneering work and contributions of Dr. Baird to the field of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon toxicology and carcinogenesis and to provide funds to enable deserving individuals to attend the annual SOT meeting and other toxicology-oriented meetings.

Use the online giving system or download the Donation form to make a gift to the Dr. William M. Baird Travel Award Fund.

Pacific Northwest Toxicology Development Fund

Established in December 2009, this fund was created by a group of donors and the Pacific Northwest Chapter Executive Committee (PNCEC). Proceeds from this fund can be used to support three discrete objectives designed to provide development opportunities and professional recognition of toxicologists within the Pacific Northwest Chapter. The three objectives are 1) to foster student engagement, 2) to create special educational programs, and 3) to recognize outstanding achievement by Pacific Northwest regional toxicologists. The PNCEC will be responsible for identifying one or more objectives be supported each year and for developing detailed criteria for nomination and selection of the award recipients, including the organization of award selection committee(s). The PNCEC is not obligated to commit Fund proceeds to each of the stated objectives each year, nor is there a requirement to achieve a balance of expenditures between the three objectives on an annual basis or over time.

Use the online giving system or download the Donation form to make a gift to the Pacific Northwest Toxicology Development Fund.