Welcome to RASS

Our Activities and Goals

The primary goal of RASS is to provide a forum in the world’s most prestigious toxicology organization for those interested in the theory and practice of risk assessment. Through the Society of Toxicology, we propose sessions for the Annual Meeting, exchange information via newsletters, present awards, and participate in other scientific activities. RASS provides opportunities for enhancing knowledge and recognition of current issues, challenges and tools for risk assessment as well as facilitating discussions to advance the science of risk assessment.

RASS is of interest to toxicologists who seek to enhance the use of descriptive and mechanistic studies in the broader context, such as pharmaceutical efficacy and safety testing, regulatory standard development and site-specific health risk assessment. Applications of risk assessment include physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling and development of new statistical methods for dose-response and exposure assessment.

RASS On-Going Activities

  • Endorse state-of-the art symposia, workshops, and continuing education courses for the SOT Annual Meeting
  • Organize teleconferences as a venue to present and discuss recent findings related to Risk Assessment
  • Annually award scientific contributions in the peer-reviewed literature in the areas of Risk Assessment Applications and Advancing Risk Assessment
  • Award outstanding risk assessment abstracts at the SOT Annual Meeting
  • Award outstanding student abstracts at the SOT Annual Meeting
  • Support Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology (CCT) Workshop