Undergraduate Activities

Undergraduate students attend the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo for free, partaking in all meeting activities that are open to meeting registrants. Plus, special programs are available for undergraduates to maximize their experience. For undergraduates looking for funding support to attend the meeting, SOT has multiple awards available for undergraduate students, including the SOT Undergraduate Research Award and Undergraduate Diversity Program Student Travel Award.

Undergraduate Diversity Program

Saturday, March 9–Monday, March 11

Recipients of the Undergraduate Diversity Program Student Travel Awards and Advisor Travel Awards participate in a three-day program to learn more about toxicology and careers in biomedical research. The program begins Saturday evening with networking in mentoring groups; an introduction to toxicology; and the CDI Reunion, a celebration including current and past program participants and organizers. On Sunday, students and advisors participate in the all-day Undergraduate Education Program. On Monday, the students and advisors participate in Scientific Sessions, visit posters, and attend the In Vitro Toxicology Lecture and Luncheon for Students. Participants continue to network with toxicologists and have a special session to conclude this concentrated exposure to toxicology and opportunities in the biomedical sciences after graduate studies.

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A diverse group of young individuals are posed for the camera with one line kneeling in front of another line. All the individuals are wearing black bowler hats and are smiling.

Undergraduate Education Program

Sunday, March 10, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This daylong program introduces undergraduates to topics in various toxicology disciplines. This program features three scientific presentations about diverse toxicological research and a case study that provides an opportunity for students to explore and interpret data. Students also meet with graduate students and academic program directors to learn how to submit strong graduate school applications and the merits of specific graduate programs, as well as how to succeed in graduate school. During the program, students are given the opportunity to network with SOT mentors and toxicologists in various employment sectors to become more familiar with what life is like in different career paths in toxicology. Lastly, students will have open time to meet with toxicology graduate program directors from various institutions.

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The image depicts a room full of young people. They are seated in chairs with a large aisleway between them. Individuals on one side of the aisle are passing different kinds of balls to individuals on the other side of the aisle.

Opportunities for Undergraduates

Remember that undergraduate students receive free registration to the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo by sending a completed Registration Form and copy of their student ID to the SOT Registration Department. Undergraduates also are eligible for many awards that recognize research and provide travel support, such as the SOT Undergraduate Research Award.

Networking Events

Student/Postdoctoral Scholar Mixer

Sunday, March 10, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Hosted by the Graduate Student Leadership Committee, this is an opportunity for all students and postdoctoral scholars to gather, meet new colleagues, and reestablish relationships at the beginning of the meeting. Learn about being involved in SOT by speaking with student leaders at the SOT Component Group posters. Tickets are obtained at no cost by selecting the Mixer as an add-on event while registering for the Annual Meeting. A meeting badge and mixer registration are required to attend. Complimentary refreshments and a cash bar will be available.

Undergrad Gab with a Grad Over Grub

Tuesday, March 12, 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM

This informal session for all undergraduate students attending the SOT Annual Meeting is hosted by the Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee. SOT undergraduate travel awardees participate in this event. Students will connect with peers and learn first-hand from graduate students about the graduate school experience, as well as gain a better understanding of the opportunities offered by SOT. This session includes free lunch.

In Vitro Toxicology Lecture and Luncheon for Students

Monday, March 11, 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM

The goal of the In Vitro Toxicology Lecture series is to feature important research using in vitro and alternative techniques to study basic mechanisms and to develop test methods aimed at replacing animal use whenever feasible. Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and recipients of Colgate-Palmolive awards are among the guests at this event, which includes discussions in table groups of questions at the forefront of toxicology. Students reserve a place by selecting this add-on event on the Registration Form; tickets are required and are $10.