Platform Planning

Platform Sessions are oral presentations of abstracts. The Scientific Program Committee may create 165-minute or 90-minute Platform Sessions on topics that cover new areas, concepts, or data. Authors whose abstracts have been selected for a Platform Session will have 15 minutes to present their work in a slide presentation in a Scientific Session room instead of as a poster in the ToxExpo Exhibit Hall.

Unless an abstract submitter opts out of presenting in a Platform Session during the abstract submission process, all abstract submissions are considered for oral and poster presentations, with the Scientific Program Committee determining the final presentation method.

Presenters will be notified by early January 2025 of acceptance to Platform and Poster Sessions.

An individual stands behind a lectern that has the SOT salus on its front. The individual is speaking and gesturing.

Preparing a Platform Presentation

Fifteen-Minute Presentation, Including Discussion

The Platform Session Chair will not allow extra time, and no scheduling changes can be made. If you are unable to make your presentation, you must arrange a substitute presenter and notify the Chair and SOT Headquarters.

Slide Presentations:

Slide presentations should be in widescreen (16:9) presentation format: see the Instructions for Converting to a Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Format. For your benefit, SOT has created a PowerPoint Template of Required Slides, which is already in widescreen format, for use by platform presenters. When using this template, each new slide will be in a predetermined format/style that maximizes readability and usefulness during platform presentations.

Required Slides

  • Title slide
  • Conflict of interest disclosures slide
  • Slide stating the question or hypothesis to be addressed
  • Slide describing the approach used to address the question
  • “Methods” slide, but no details about the method unless your presentation is on the method
  • Research results slides
  • Conclusions of study slide

Green laser pointers will be available for presenters. If you intend to use one, please avoid colors and elements in your design that would limit the visibility of a green laser.

Tips for Effective Slide Presentations

Communicate Ideas, Not Details

If someone wants details, let them ask during the discussion period.

Test Your Slides

Review your slides on a different machine from that on which they were originally prepared to ensure the backgrounds, graphics, and linked images appear properly.

Less = More

Put the minimum amount of information on the slide to communicate the idea you want. Ask yourself, “What can be left out?”

Make It Readable

Your font should be at least 18 points in size, making it legible from 100 feet away on an eight-foot screen. Use no more than 10 lines of text per slide, and avoid color combinations that do not project well, such as red on blue.

Graphs > Tables

Graphs communicate ideas more quickly than tables. Photographs also may be effective but avoid pictures of animals. If you must use a table, include only the pertinent details—not the full table as would be published in an article.

AV and Logistics Information

The audiovisual equipment will include a digital projector for slide presentations, a podium with a microphone, and a floor microphone. During the session, make certain that all audience members addressing a topic or question use the floor microphones provided and identify themselves by name and institution.

Each presentation room is staffed with an AV technician who will assist in starting each presentation—to minimize setup and transition delays, all presenters are required to preload their presentations by using the online speaker management site or by visiting the Speaker Ready Room on-site. In February 2025, all Scientific Session speakers will receive specific instructions from Encore, the SOT onsite A/V provider, including a link to upload their slide presentations.

During the session, once the presentation is launched, the speaker will control the program from the podium using a computer mouse and/or keyboard, which can be used in lieu of a laser pointer. The computers in the presentation rooms will be Windows 10 Pro–based PCs with Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 2021 installed).

Speaker Ready Room

Once on-site, all presenters should visit the Speaker Ready Room to view their presentation and ensure that everything is working properly. If you were unable to preload your presentation, you also may use the Speaker Ready Room to upload your presentation. The Speaker Ready Room is staffed with experts available to answer any presentation-related questions and address any presentation concerns.

Presentations should be loaded and previewed in the Speaker Ready Room—not in the Scientific Session rooms—at least 30 minutes before session start times.

Ready Room Hours

Room W305A

Hours of Operation:

Saturday 4:00 PM–7:00 PM
Sunday 7:00 AM–4:00 PM
Monday 7:00 AM–4:00 PM
Tuesday 7:00 AM–4:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 AM–4:00 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM–10:30 AM

Platform Session Chair Guidelines

Please consult and follow the Session Chair Standard Operating Procedures. Platform Chairs should review all the abstracts in their Platform Session before the Annual Meeting by using the SOT Online Planner or the SOT Event App.

Before your session, please familiarize yourself with the emergency procedure instructions provided to you by SOT Headquarters. Should an emergency occur during your session, please remain calm and follow those instructions.