Instructions for Poster Session Presenters
Poster Design: Preparing Your Poster
Poster Preparation Tips and Layout Suggestions
Posters are mounted horizontally on a usable space of 91" w x 45" h (231.1 cm x 114.3 cm). All poster material should be confined to the space provided and should not exceed it.
At the top of each poster, you should list the title, authors, and author affiliations in addition to the abstract final ID number. The lettering of this title strip should be at least 1" (2.54 cm) high.
Conflict of interest disclosures should be included on your poster. Institutional logos, but not product logos, are allowed on your poster.
Make sure your poster is understandable without an oral presentation and readable from five feet away. Remember that your poster will be on display all day.
Make an initial rough layout, paying attention to the proportions of figures, tables, and text. Try to maintain a balance of using ~50% of the poster board area for figures and tables.
Include your objective, the design/methods, the results, and the conclusion but avoid displaying a short manuscript. Experimental details should be concise.
Don’t overload your poster with excessive text and data. Where possible, organize tables and figures chronologically in vertical progression.
The poster board surface consists of fabric over a corkboard. You may use pushpins or Velcro to mount the poster. Pushpins are provided on-site.
No Active Promotion of Exhibitor Booths
SOT reserves the right to remove scientific posters that specifically promote a ToxExpo booth (e.g., “visit xxx in Booth Number yyy”). Listing author affiliations in the poster title is not considered active promotion.
Choose Photographs with Caution
Illustrative drawings should be used to depict animals. Photographs of animals should be used only where absolutely necessary for the scientific presentation. Because SOT does not condone inhumane treatment of animals, photographs depicting such treatment (as well as data derived from such treatment) will not be permitted under any circumstances. Posters for which human subject data are presented should indicate on the poster that protocols were reviewed and approved by a Human Subjects Institutional Review Board.
Optional: Alternative Format for Poster Design
The SOT Scientific Program Committee (SPC) encourages authors to format their posters in a way that best portrays their research and fosters discussion. There are many philosophies and recommendations regarding poster displays, and the SOT community on LinkedIn engaged in a discussion of a new poster format dubbed Poster 2.0. More information on Poster 2.0 is available on the creator’s YouTube account.
The SPC does not endorse or recommend a particular poster format. The only rules related to poster display, such as use of photographs and promotion of exhibitor booths, are outlined on this web page.
Scientific Poster Printing Services
SOT offers scientific session poster presenters the ability to have a poster printed and picked up on-site in Orlando, instead of carrying it to the meeting. Shepard Exposition Services is the official general service contractor providing this service on behalf of SOT.
An order form will be available by January 2025 for those wishing to use this service.
Presenting Your Poster
The Chair of each Poster Session will be present at the session and available to provide assistance and answer any questions. This individual will be wearing a “Session Chair” ribbon.
Poster Mounting Information
The presenting author of each poster abstract is responsible for the proper assembly, mounting, and presentation of the poster. Presenters can mount their posters on their assigned board beginning at 7:30 am on the day of their Poster Session.
Poster presentations have unique identifying numbers known as the abstract number. Abstract numbers do not specify poster board locations; presentations have separate poster board numbers. Poster presentations are mounted on prenumbered boards throughout the Exhibit Hall. The Program Supplement—Platform and Poster Sessions PDF (available in February 2025) and SOT Event App (available in February 2025) include an Exhibit Hall layout listing the poster board number preceded by the abstract final ID number. Poster board numbers are preceded by a letter. For example, 3025–A101 reflects Abstract #3025 and poster board number A101. Please note that this is a change from previous years when all poster board numbers were preceded with the letter “P.” To help individuals better navigate the poster boards and Exhibit Hall, clusters of poster boards have been assigned unique letters.
Presenters should display posters ONLY on the assigned day. Posters must be removed immediately at the end of each day so that the boards may be prepared for the next day’s Poster Sessions.
Poster Session Times and Expectations
All posters must be displayed during ToxExpo hours (9:00 am–4:30 pm) on the day of the author’s assigned Poster Session. This is an expectation of SOT Annual Meeting poster presenters and is enforced by SOT staff and Poster Session Chairs.
Monday through Wednesday will consist of three Poster Session time periods. Presenters are required to attend their posters during their assigned Poster Session time period—the poster itself will be displayed all day. The two Poster Session times are:
- 9:15 AM–11:45 AM
- 1:45 PM–4:15 PM
Presenters will be informed of their assigned Poster Session time when they receive their abstract acceptance notice in early January 2025.
Presenters are expected to discuss their work with scientists visiting their poster. Should circumstances prevent you from making your presentation, you must arrange for a co-author or colleague to present your poster, and you must notify your session Chair and SOT Headquarters.