About STEP Awards
The SOT is addressing the diversity in preparation required for entry of graduate students into the modern workforce by offering Supplemental Training for Education Program (STEP). This program will enable outstanding doctoral students to pursue training in identified areas of professional/scientific development that are necessary for them to achieve their career goals but outside the immediate scope of their graduate training and research program.
A strong application will propose participation in a workshop or event that clearly addresses unmet needs to elevate the applicant’s probability of achieving the planned career track. The Education and Career Development Committee (ECDC) will give priority to students proposing activities/courses distinct from those offered by their home institution.
You can view reports by past STEP awardees on the SOT blog.
Apply nowSamples of Training Opportunities
SOT does not endorse the options listed below, but experiences such as these are similar to those that might be proposed. The SOT Calendar of Events may also be a source to find relevant experiences.
Professional development courses (both online and in-person) geared toward government-based specialties by Graduate School USA and by the Center for Professional Innovation and Education, Inc. (examples: Preparation of US FDA Submissions and Communicating with the US FDA, The Drug Development Process—From Discovery to Commercialization, and Writing Effective Standard Operating Procedures and Other Process Documents)
Writing skill enhancement is offered at various institutions and during specialized programs such as Writing for Impact and Influence (AIBS)
Technique training, such as PK, offered by Certara and AdvancedResearch Training Courses
Statistical and software trainingmight include SAS courses
Grant writing and management opportunities include NIH Regional Seminars and Grant Writing USA
Risk Assessmentskill development through experiences such as Dose Response Assessment Boot Camp, Risk Assessment Summer School and Analyzing Risk
The SOT Careers in Regulatory Toxicology webpage includes links to a variety of training experiences
Training Workshops at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (example: Environmental Mixtures)