Specialty Sections

About SOT Specialty Sections

The Society of Toxicology has established 29 Specialty Sections that may propose sessions for the Annual Meeting, exchange information via newsletters, present awards, and participate in other scientific activities.

To join a Specialty Section or renew your membership, pay your dues through the SOT Online Payment System.

SOT Specialty Sections

Founded 2000

Biological Modeling Specialty Section

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Founded 2009

Cardiovascular Toxicology Specialty Section

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Founded 2011

Clinical and Translational Toxicology Specialty Section

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Founded 2020

Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary Specialty Section

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Founded 2017

Computational Toxicology Specialty Section

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Founded 2005

Drug Discovery Toxicology Specialty Section

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Founded 2004

Ethical, Legal, Forensics, and Societal Issues Specialty Section

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Founded 1995

In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section

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Founded 1982

Inhalation and Respiratory Specialty Section

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Founded 2009

Medical Device and Combination Product Specialty Section

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Founded 1989

Molecular and Systems Biology Specialty Section

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Founded 2007

Nanoscience and Advanced Materials Specialty Section

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Founded 1997

Occupational and Public Health Specialty Section

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Founded 1993

Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section

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Founded 1981

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section

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Founded 2020

Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology Specialty Section

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