Global Presence

Five people stand posed in front of a projection screen and are smiling at the camera. They are of different genders and ethnicities. On the screen, you can read Society of Toxicology and Japanese Society of Toxicology Symposium.

SOT is comprised of members from more than 60 countries and is dedicated to enhancing the impact and relevance of toxicology around the globe. SOT members from around the world are involved as leaders and participate in all activities of the Society. Because of the importance of supporting the discipline of toxicology everywhere, SOT has special programs for toxicologists in countries identified by the SOT Global Economy Support Program.

To further its responsibility as a global organization, SOT has established goals to:

  1. Provide opportunities for discussion of issues of global importance in a variety of venues;
  2. Stimulate interactions between colleagues with different perspectives and expertise on global issues;
  3. Partner with other international scientific societies and public health-based organizations to more effectively establish a global toxicology agenda; and
  4. Organize international workshops, satellite meetings, and other mechanisms to help reach a common understanding on important global health issues for policymakers and the public.

Global Initiatives Funding

This program funds collaborations between SOT Component Groups and Committees and other toxicological organizations. Funding for this program is paused for the 2023–2024 fiscal year.

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Global Meeting Support

This program provides funds for meetings by other toxicological organizations. Funding for this program is paused for the 2023–2024 fiscal year.

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Global Awards and Grants

To encourage the exchange of information and expertise across the world, the Society has established several programs that are designed to bring toxicologists from diverse backgrounds together.

A woman and man stand posed in front of a gray background. They are holding an award plaque between them and are smiling at the camera.

Global Senior Scholar Exchange Program (GSSEP)

GSSEP provides funding support for a senior-level scientist from select countries to visit a senior-level scientist with an established toxicology program to gain insight into toxicology research programs. The host senior scientist returns the visit to offer further advice and guidance to the developing toxicology program.

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International ToxScholar Outreach

ToxScholar Outreach

The SOT ToxScholar Program is grounded in SOT members making presentations to undergraduate audiences at institutions offering associate and bachelor’s degrees since many students do not have the opportunity to learn about toxicology or toxicology careers. ToxScholar visits support SOT efforts to provide undergraduates with exposure to toxicology and to recruit future toxicologists.

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SOT/SOT Endowment Fund/IUTOX Travel Award

SOT/SOT Endowment Fund/IUTOX Travel Award

These awards sponsor fellowships, administered by IUTOX, that assist senior scientists from countries where toxicology is underrepresented with funds to travel to and attend the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo.

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SOT Global Economy Support Programs—Benefits for Members

Discounted Membership

Individuals from countries recognized by the SOT Global Economy Support Programs are offered discounted membership dues. These discounted memberships also include membership in one SOT Special Interest Group and one SOT Specialty Section.

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Free Access to CEd-Tox

Individuals recognized as SOT Global Economy members receive free access to SOT CEd-Tox, the Society’s Continuing Education (CE) online courses program.

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