About NEXT Awards
The New Experiences in Toxicology Program (NEXT) is specifically aimed at providing support to postdoctoral scholars seeking to transition into a professional position in toxicology. Postdoctoral scholars are at a critical juncture in their career decision path and would benefit from the opportunity to apply for training grants to broaden their expertise and prepare them for the competitive job market.
The goal of the NEXT program is to enable postdoctoral trainees to obtain training outside of their current sector, for example, an academic or industrial postdoc may use this award to learn about government or regulatory toxicology. It is important to highlight that getting additional experiences in the same sector in which the postdoctoral trainee is currently training is not the intent nor would such proposals be funded. Only proposed activities that have the full support of the current postdoctoral mentor would be considered.
The SOT recognizes that toxicology-related training experiences facilitate successful transition of postdoctoral scholars into a professional position in toxicology. The New Experiences in Toxicology (NEXT) Program provides funding up to $1,000 to cover costs associated with additional training related to toxicology that will broaden a postdoc’s expertise and prepare them for the competitive job market. Applicants will identify professional development workshops, short courses, or activities that would provide training outside of their academic, governmental, or industrial postdoc. The NEXT training must be outside the available resources of the applicant’s postdoctoral training and research project and be related to their career goals. The toxicology skill gap desired to be fulfilled via NEXT should not be one that can be met at their current institution. NEXT funding should not be requested to refine a research project-related technique or to attend a professional society or scientific conference.
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