Science News from Government Agencies

Many government agencies provide updates and information on their research activities or those of their employees. This web page highlights some of the newsletters, podcasts, and other media available to view the scientific contributions of various government agencies.

  • ECHA Newsletter

    This quarterly publication contains updates on new research, regulations, consultations, and other activities being undertaken by the European Chemicals Agency.

  • EU Science Hub

    The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre provides updates on the science being conducted by its researchers in order to inform scientific advice and policy for the European Union.

  • Health Canada The Science of Health

    This blog features updates on the science and research activities of the Canadian government’s “Health Portfolio” of scientists, as well as opportunities for professional development.

  • NIEHS Podcasts

    In Environmental Health Chat and Global Environmental Health Chat, the NIEHS addresses how how researchers and community groups work in partnership to assess, understand, and address public health issues that result from environmental exposures.

  • US CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

    Through this report, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shares scientific updates related to public health research and issues under investigation by the US CDC.

  • US EPA Science Matters Newsletter

    This newsletter contains the latest news and information from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development.

  • US FDA FDA Voices: Perspectives from FDA Experts Blog

    This blog provides insight on the agency’s work, including areas such as medical products, food, tobacco, policy, consumer safety, and enforcement.