The Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee leads SOT efforts to provide quality toxicology resources and support impactful instruction of undergraduates, guided by the Toxicology Learning Framework and national initiatives such as Vision and Change.
We welcome feedback about curriculum resources and encourage discussion in the ToXchange community Undergraduate Educator Network where SOT members can post comments and questions. This community is open to all SOT members interested in undergraduate education. Comments can be sent to Betty Eidemiller
Education Resources
SOT participates in two collections for curriculum resources for science faculty to share resources among SOT undergraduate educators but also promote use of toxicology principles in multiple undergraduate courses.
The Society of Toxicology is a partner in CourseSource, which publishes articles related to biological and physics disciples and aligned with the learning goals established by professional societies representing the disciplines, rooted in the principles of the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education. Vision and Change creates a framework centered on Core Concepts (such as Evolution) and Core Competencies and encourages inclusive and evidence-based teaching practices that increase recruitment and retention of STEM students.
We are recruiting submissions to add to the toxicology collection. Articles use the Toxicology Learning Framework to articulate learning objectives.
Publishing Educational Toxicology Exercises in CourseSource: A Step-by-Step Workshop for Preparing Your Manuscript—This workshop at the 2022 SOT Annual Meeting equips educators to use CourseSource and inspires them to submit their inclusive, evidence-based educational resources. In the first part of the workshop, Erin Vinson, managing editor of CourseSource, reviews the design of the CourseSource website and its features, and the various types for submissions. In the second part, Lauren Aleksunes (“Repurposing Drugs as Countermeasures for Chemical Weapons: An Interactive Training for Undergraduate Students”), Joshua Gray (“Pick Your Poison: A Semester-Long Toxicology Project Integrating Toxicology Core Concepts and Scientific Communication”), and Mindy Reynolds (“A Case Study Approach to the One Environmental Health Hypothesis”) discuss their curricula and the preparation of CourseSource manuscripts. The last section provides time for participants to prepare their own concepts for submission.
The Life Sciences Teaching Resource Community (LifeSciTRC) is supported by nine biological sciences to provide an online community for life science educators at all levels. Resources submitted to the site are accessed free and available to everyone and range in type from course syllabi, lectures, lab activities, published teaching articles, and videos, to name a few. SOT editors review materials submitted for the toxicology collection and we encourage sharing of items that benefit the teaching of toxicology concepts.
SOT Teaching Collection
Before joining CourseSource and LifeSciTRC, SOT coordinated collection of toxicology-related teaching resources. The materials included met the collection criteria during peer review. The authors have granted SOT permission to publish this material but retain intellectual property rights to their materials.
Toxicology Curriculum Resources
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Resource Title: Rubric for research paper |
This is a 5–7 page (single-spaced) paper assignment where students choose a pharmacological agent (list included) and describe the target organ effects, non-target organ effects, metabolic pathways, incidences of overdose, antidotes and their mechanisms |
Eva Oberdorster |
Resource Title: Introduction to Toxicology Debate |
This is an activity that can be used in an introductory toxicology course. It allows the students to go into more detail about particular topics and also enables them to become more comfortable working in groups. Sample debate topics have been provided. |
Mindy Reynolds |
Resource Title: Policy Papers |
After being introduced to various environmental issues in seminar, students write papers in which they analyze information from the primary literature regarding the effects of the chemical(s) in question on biological systems and use this information to decide whether or not current regulatory limits (if they exist) on exposure are appropriate. |
Stephanie Zamule |
Resource Title: Dilutions Worksheet |
I use this worksheet to help students refresh basic calculations and principles of dilutions ahead of performing dose-response experiments |
Stephanie Fretham |
Resource Title: Primary Literature Discussion Prep |
Learning to read and discuss primary literature is a key objective of the course, this summary assignment is meant to help focus students as they read papers and prepare for in class discussion. |
Stephanie Fretham |
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Resource Title: Undergraduate Educators Webinar 11 January 2018 |
This is supplemental material for the webinar on 11 January 2018. |
Vanessa Fitsanakis |
Resource Title: Use of Behavioral Assay to Determine the Chronic Effects of Chlorpyrifos on Developing Zebrafish |
The goal of this short-term lab experiment is to demonstrate the behavioral effects of a prototypic insecticide and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, chlorpyrifos, on developing zebrafish. |
Larissa Williams |
Resource Title: Molecular Biology Lab Class as a Vehicle for Teaching Environmental Toxicology |
Relatively few undergraduate life sciences programs offer classes in toxicology. In the molecular biology lab course at Kenyon College, I compensate by drawing from my research expertise in molecular toxicology to construct a course with significant toxicology content. This poster describes the approach and methods. [It was prsented in the Education Poster Session at SOT 2015 and was the basis for part of a subsequent webinar produced by the Undergraduate Education Subcommittee and aired on 12/15/16.] |
Wade Powell |
Resource Title: A Toxicological Study Using Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a Model |
A multi-week toxicological lab using zebrafish |
Mindy Reynolds |
Resource Title: Undergraduate Webinar 08 January 2018 |
Supplemental material to help with the presentation |
Vanessa Fitsanakis |
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Resource Title: Is This Significant? |
Materials for statistics activity |
Vanessa Fitsanakis |
Resource Title: Opioid Active Learning Exercise |
This active learning exercise focused on receptor signaling was used at NESOT as a think-pair-share exercise. |
Joshua Gray |
No resource submitted at this time.
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Resource Title: SMU Toxicology Lecture Syllabus |
Syllabus |
Eva Oberdorster |
Resource Title: Environmental Toxicology Syllabus (Kenyon College) |
A topics-based course using primary literature as the major resource. Rather than surveying a wide variety of topics superficially, we will concentrate on selected issues, stories, and case-studies that illustrate important contemporary issues in environmental toxicology, presenting fundamental concepts on a largely need-to-know basis. |
Wade Powell |
Resource Title: Course Syllabus for Forensic Toxicology |
An integrated study of toxicology as it relates to forensic science. This course will provide an introduction to postmortem forensic toxicology, forensic drug testing. Analytical principles, both theory and applications, will be covered for the most commonly encountered analytes. This course is primarily theory and background. |
William Luttrell |
Resource Title: Environmental Toxicology Syllabus |
Introduction to chemical nature and reactions of toxic substances; their origins and uses; and aspects of exposure, transformation and elimination. |
Kristine Willett |
Resource Title: Introduction to Toxicology Syllabus |
This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of general and forensic toxicology. It is appropriate in scope for undergraduate pharmacy, biology and forensic chemistry majors. |
Kristine Willett |
Resource Title: Introduction to Toxicology |
This is a syllabus for an introductory toxicology course. The class is intended for juniors and seniors. It is a prereq that students have had O. Chem to take this course. |
Mindy Reynolds |
Resource Title: Toxicology Syllabus |
Introduction to toxicology syllabus |
Mindy Reynolds |
Resource Title: Nazareth College Principles of Toxicology (course and seminar) |
This 3-credit course is intended to introduce students to the basic tenets of toxicology. The text is supported by case studies from the NCCSTS and toxicology-in-the-news pieces. The 1-credit co-requisite seminar is designed to acquaint students with the primary literature and to develop their oral and written communication skills. |
Stephanie Zamule |
Resource Title: Principles of Toxicology syllabus |
This is a syllabus for a 3 hour introductory course in Toxicology, typically taken by junior and senior majors in the areas of biology, chemistry, and environmental science. |
Karen Stine |
Resource Title: Toxicology Course Syllabus |
An introduction to the principles of toxicology and the cellular, physiological, and ecological effects of toxicants, with an emphasis on the environmental and physiological effects of toxicants on different populations. |
Melinda Pomeroy-Black |
Resource Title: Introductory Toxicology Syllabus |
Toxicology course for undergraduates, list of topics. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Toxicology Syllabus |
This is the only Toxicology course on our campus, it is upper level with a prereq of Physiology and/or Organic Chemistry. The course fulfills requirements for both speaking and writing within the major and the lab component is a semester long student-designed research project. |
Stephanie Fretham |
Resource Title: Toxicology course for Undergraduates |
This one-semester undergraduate course provides a comprehensive review of toxic effects of a variety of drugs, chemicals and carcinogens with a core focus on the modern approaches in prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic toxicities. |
Sidhartha Ray |
Resource Title: Toxicology Lab Syllabus |
lab syllabus |
Eva Oberdorster |
Resource Title: Intro/General Toxicology Syllabus |
This is a broad introduction to toxicology for a non-toxicology major. Montana State University is a land grant institution and this course is developed to emphasize principles of ADME and introduce mechanisms of toxicity for a variety of toxicants and natural toxins. |
Deborah Keil |
No resource submitted at this time.
No resource submitted at this time.
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Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist lecture Ken Ramos –Reprogramming of the Genome by Toxic Injury |
One of the Eminent Toxicologist Lectures organized by SOT's Undergraduate Education Network. A lecture video that could be used to accompany a paper and/or as a "flipped classroom" assignment. |
Wade Powell |
Resource Title: Benson Eminent Toxicologist Notes 2017 |
Lecture notes to accompany Dr. Benson's Eminent Toxicologist Lecture |
Kristine Willett |
Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist lecture Samuel Cohen - Chemical Carcinogenesis |
Brief instructor notes to accompany Dr. Cohen's Eminent Toxicology Lecture. |
Wade Powell |
Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist Lectures Ruth Roberts |
Regulatory pharmaceutical toxicology provides a framework for testing and registration of new medicines to ensure patient and volunteer safety. In silico, in vitro, and in vivo toxicology studies are conducted sequentially, building a picture of the toxicity profile of each potential new drug. Although regulatory toxicology testing is specified by a set of international guidelines (defined by the International Council for Harmonization), each candidate drug requires a unique package of scientific tests that are designed, performed, and analyzed by skilled regulatory toxicologists. Most drugs that are not approved fail during this critical period due to safety and efficacy concerns. This resource addresses a number of questions such as How well do animal tests predict clinical outcome? And how will we move towards replacing animals in drug safety testing? The framework for regulatory toxicology testing and the challenges are outlined with potential solutions. |
Rebecca Dearman |
Resource Title: Dr. Jack Dean's Eminent Toxicology Lecture materials |
This is a resource meant to accompany Dr. Jack Dean's Eminent Toxicology lecture and frame its contents within Vision and Change. |
Larissa Williams |
Resource Title: Tox History Crossword Puzzle |
I use crossword puzzles to help undergrads review details and facts. They love them. I've been using Crossword Express ( to construct tox puzzles for 20 years. It's freeware and supported very well. |
Sue Ford |
Resource Title: Yves Alarie - eminent toxicologist notes |
The resource is meant to accompany the Eminent Toxicologist lecture by the author above. It includes Learning Objectives, recommended prerequisite topics, study questions, and application of the lecture to Vision and Change Core Concepts and Competencies. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist notes for Marion Ehrich |
This is a resource meant to accompany Dr. Marion Ehrich's Eminent Toxicology lecture and frame its contents within Vision and Change. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Lecture Notes and Learning Objectives for Eminent Toxicologist Lecture by Curtis Klaassen |
Lectures Notes and Learning Objectives to Accompany the Eminent toxicologist lecture given by Dr. Klaassen. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist Notes for Melvin Andersen Lecture |
Includes Learning Objectives, Recommended prerequisite topics, study questions, and Vision and Change Core Competencies for the recorded lecture. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist Notes for Nancy Montiero Riviere Lecture |
Includes Learning Objectives, Recommended prerequisite topics, study questions, and Vision and Change Core Competencies for the recorded lecture. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Eminent Toxicologist Notes for Ernest Hodgson Lecture |
Includes Learning Objectives, Recommended prerequisite topics, study questions, and Vision and Change Core Competencies for the recorded lecture. |
Joshua Gray |
Resource Title: Notes for Cheryl Walkers Eminent Toxicologist Lecture |
These are instructor notes including: Learning Objectives, Study Questions and NSF Vision and Change Core Concepts and Competencies. |
Kristine Willett |